Flex Tutorials

Flex Video Tutorials and Examples

Flex 3 Beta 2 - Code, Debug

The first changes target the code navigation and are extensions/refinement around language intelligence (refactoring, search, code model). To enable this feature simple hold down CTRL and click on any property to navigate into its definition. We supported this before but now you can navigate seemlessly into the Flex SDK codebase for any class, property, style, or event.

Better yet if you download the daily/milestone builds of Flex 3, you can refactor the entire Flex Framework locally, not for the faint of heart, but possible now.

With AIR entering the final stages of development, we have seen the end of the "AIR Project", everything is just a "Flex Project" or "AS Project" now with deployment options noted below. This change will throw you for a loop at first but it makes perfect sense.

We also added a handy feature for building proxy classes for the AJAXBridge libraries.

We also couldn't help but make some really nice subtle improvements to the Flex Debugger.

And last but far from least we added some things into the profiler. The profiler is such a key addition to Flex and these refinements really make it essential. There is nothing worse than a profiler that points you in the wrong direction and the team has made some essential changes in how memory and performance are measured to make what is happening in your application clear. 

As you will find, these refinements really assist in code development, debugging and profiling of your applications. And if you don't think the team went far enough, the code model and language intelligence features are there for you to extend and build upon. Eclipse is designed from the ground up to support plug-in extensibility and we have exposed these APIS for you to extend. With Flex 3 we are at the cusp of seeing many new extensions to Flex Builder atop this simple and powerful foundation.


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